Note: you are viewing archived information about the workshop held in 2023. Information about the latest workshop can be found here.


Show times in:

Session 1 (13:0014:40 BST, Zoom)
Chair: Matthew Scroggs
Welcome and introduction
A parallel Lattice–Boltzmann CFD solver using rayon
Gonzalo Brito
faer-rs: a linear algebra foundation for the Rust programming language
Sarah El Kazdadi
Insights from making a DNN & CNN library from scratch in Rust
Anicet Nougaret
Another Python developer gone rogue: improving productivity of medical research with Rust CLI tools
Jennings Zhang
Representing open quantum systems in Rust
Nicolas Vogt
Session 2 (15:0016:00 BST, Zoom)
Chair: Luna Arthur
Large scale zonal summaries with Rust
Michael Salib
Writing R extensions in Rust
David B. Dahl
Lamellar: A Rust-based asynchronous tasking and PGAS runtime for high performance computing
Ryan D. Friese
Sage enables fast proteomics searching and quantification at scale
Michael Lazear
Powering transactions with functional data structures
Louis Boulanger
Bernstein–Bézier finite elements for RMM in Rust
Adam Sky
B       R       E       A       K
Session 3 (16:0017:00 BST, Gather Town)
An interactive session during which participants will be able to talk to the presenters of Thursday's talks, and meet other workshop participants.
Chair: Ignacia Fierro-Piccardo
Using Rust in radio astronomy
Christopher Jordan
Proximal methods for point source localisation: the implementation
Tuomo Valkonen
Conic optimization using the Clarabel solver
Paul Goulart
Rust vs Julia in scientific computing
Mo Bitar
High-Performance linear algebra for PDEs in Rust
Timo Betcke
Fearless simulation of many-particle dynamics
Julian Jeggle
Automatic differentiation of Rust, with the friendly help of your compiler
Manuel Drehwald
Chair: Andreas Longva
Portable SIMD tricks for fun and profit
Miguel Raz Guzmán Macedo
Scalable computational mechanics with Rust
Jed Brown
Lace: Bayesian tabular data analysis for Rust (and Python)
Baxter Eaves
Roqoqo: a quantum computing toolkit in Rust
Matteo Lodi
Radiation transport in cosmological simulations
Toni Peter
Equation of state for robust oceanographic embedded systems
Guilherme Castelão
Towards a distributed fast multipole method (FMM) with Rust
Srinath Kailasa
An interactive session during which participants will be able to talk to the presenters of Friday's talks, and meet other workshop participants.