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Rust vs Julia in scientific computing

Mo Bitar (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz)
Friday session 1 (Zoom) (13:0014:40 BST)
Watch a recording of this talk on YouTube

One of the main objectives of Julia is solving the two-language problem. This means that by using Julia, you don't have to prototype in a dynamic language like Python for flexibility and later rewrite the code in a compiled language like C/C++ for performance.

This goal did catch me while picking a programming language for my bachelor's thesis in physics. But after regularly using and even teaching Julia, do I still think that Julia solves that two-language problem?

And why do I think that Rust is the actual solution in some cases?

This talk is only a trailer for my blog post about "Rust vs Julia". The blog post has more details and points that could not fit into the talk: