Note: you are viewing archived information about the workshop held in 2024. Information about the latest workshop can be found here.


Show times in:

Session 1 (13:0014:30 BST)
Chair: Matthew Scroggs
Welcome and introduction
Modernization of DICOM workflows
Jennings Zhang
Entangled: literate programming and computational notebooks in markdown
Johan Hidding
AcoDyn: fluid dynamics on the GPU powered by Rust
Adrian Paskert
RLST: linear algebra frameworks in Rust for the solution of partial differential equations
Timo Betcke
Raphtory: temporal graphs from Scala to Rust
Fabian Murariu
Session 2 (15:0016:00 BST)
Chair: Srinath Kailasa
Bless: transparently logging program outputs
Rohit Goswami
A fast electromagnetics library with Rust and Python
James Logan
Hauke Strasdat
Building a compile-time SIMD optimized smoothing filter
Miguel Raz
Rootfinders for Rust
Owen White
B       R       E       A       K
Session 3 (16:0017:00 BST)
An interactive session during which participants will be able to talk to the presenters of Wednesday's talks, and meet other workshop participants.
Chair: Chamundeshwari Vadamalai
Rstats: multidimensional data analysis in Rust
Libor Spacek
Developing a computer algebra system in Rust
Ben Ruijl
Data oriented design with traits
Srinath Kailasa
extendr: frictionless bindings for R and Rust
Mossa Merhi Reimert
Rusting RSRS
Ignacia Fierro Piccardo
Physics simulations in Bevy
Mo Bitar
An interactive session during which participants will be able to talk to the presenters of Thursday's talks, and meet other workshop participants.
An interactive tutorial session during which participants can choose which of a range of tutorials to attend. To be followed by discussion time.
Chair: Timo Betcke
An embedded memory cache for persistent memory access
Louis Boulanger
Polars in the factory: when databases trump collections for modeling
Bartosz Telenczuk
Perpetaul: a hyperparameter-free gradient boosting machine
Mutlu Simsek
Writing maths software in Rust after 20 years of C++: graph isomorphism and groups
Christopher Jefferson
Productive and reliable constitutive modeling in Rust
Jed Brown
Efficient 1-bit matrix approximations
Alex W. N. Riasanovsky
Chair: Ignacia Fierro Piccardo
Developing Rust-based R packages using the Roxido framework
David B. Dahl
Rusph: a SPH astrophysical simulation code in the Rust programming language
Jacksen Narvaez Coral
Back to basics: rebuilding computational biomechanics crate by crate
Spencer Williams
Cargo +GPU build: An early outlook
Manuel Drehwald
Writing a grid library for finite and boundary element methods
Matthew Scroggs
An interactive session during which participants will be able to talk to the presenters of Friday's talks, and meet other workshop participants.