Note: you are viewing archived information about the workshop held in 2024. Information about the latest workshop can be found here.

Wednesday 17 July

Show times in:

Session 1 (13:0014:30 BST)

Chair: Matthew Scroggs
Welcome and introduction

Jennings Zhang (Boston Children's Hospital)
Johan Hidding (Netherlands eScience Center)
Adrian Paskert (Universität Münster)
Timo Betcke (University College London)
Jed Brown (University of Colorado Boulder)
Srinath Kailasa (University College London)
Matthew Scroggs (University College London)
Fabian Murariu

Session 2 (15:0016:00 BST)

Chair: Srinath Kailasa
Rohit Goswami (University of Iceland / Quansight Labs)
James Logan (Commonwealth Fusion Systems)
Matt Vernacchia (Commonwealth Fusion Systems)
Hauke Strasdat (farm-ng)
Miguel Raz (Ferrous Systems)
Owen White (Univeristy of Colorado Boulder)
Daniel Alemayehu (University of Colorado Boulder)
Jed Brown (University of Colorado Boulder)

Session 3 (16:0017:00 BST)

An interactive session during which participants will be able to talk to the presenters of Wednesday's talks, and meet other workshop participants.