Note: you are viewing archived information about the workshop held in 2023. Information about the latest workshop can be found here.

Scientific Computing in Rust 2023

The Scientific Computing in Rust 2023 workshop took place on Thursday 13 July and Friday 14 July between 13:00 BST and 17:00 BST, with over 100 people joining the workshop live.

This workshop was held virtually and was free to attend. Recordings of the talks from the workshop can be found on YouTube.


The Scientific Computing in Rust 2023 workshop featured a mixture of 30 minute talks by invited speakers and 5-10 minute talks by workshop attendees. The full schedule for the workshop can be found on the timetable page or the list of talks page.

The talks were be complimented by informal discussion sessions held using Gather Town where there was a chance to meet and talk to speakers and other attendees.

The majority of the talks were be recorded and are gradually being made available on YouTube.

Code of conduct

We expect all attendees of Scientific Computing in Rust 2023 to follow the code of conduct. Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported by emailing or by contacting any of the workshop organisers.


We would like to thank the following organisations for their support.