Scientific Computing in Rust Monthly #6

Welcome to this month's issue of Scientific Computing in Rust Monthly.

It's a very exciting issue, as we announcing the date for the 2025 Scientific Computing in Rust Workshop: 4-6 June. You can find more details below or at

Scientific Computing in Rust Monthly can be viewed online at, you can sign up to receive an email copy at, or you can subscribe using the RSS feed at

Items can be added to the next issue of the newsletter by opening a pull request to the Scientific Computing in Rust Monthly repository on GitHub. You can find more information about adding items here.

Crate of the month: serde ~ ~ source

Serde is a crate for serialising and deserialsing data, and can be used to convert data to/from various formats including JSON, YAML, TOML, CSV, and Rust's own object notation RON. While not directly a scientific computing crate, it is very useful in scientific applications for reading/writing parameters and results from/to file.

New releases

globalsearch v0.1.0

globalsearch is a global optimisation library that includes an implmentation of the OQNLP (OptQuest/NLP) algorithm from "Scatter Search and Local NLP Solvers: A Multistart Framework for Global Optimization" by Ugray et al. (2007). It combines scatter search metaheuristics with local minimization for global optimization of nonlinear problems.


Scientific Computing in Rust 2025, 4-6 June 2025, held virtually

The 2025 edition of the Scientific Computing in Rust virtual workshop will take place on 4-6 June 2025. Sessions will run between 13:00 and 17:00 BST each day. Registration free, and the workshop will take place virtually so there is no need to book travel or accommodation.

The workshop will feature a mixture of 30 minute talks by invited speakers, 10 minute talks by workshop attendees, and interactive discussion/tutorial sessions. If you would like to propose a 10 minute talk or an interactive tutorial, you can do so via the forms on talk proposal page. The deadline for submissions is Friday 2 May.

More information about the workshop can be found at