Scientific Computing in Rust Monthly #3

Welcome to this month's issue of Scientific Computing in Rust Monthly.

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Crate of the month: bacon-sci ~ ~ source

bacon-sci is a crate with function for solving a variety of scientific problems, including polynomial interpolation, root finding, and initial value problems. We recommend starting by reading this blog post all about bacon-sci.

New releases

Bempp 0.2.0

Bempp is a boundary integral operator assembly library that can assemble the operators that are widely used in boundary element method (BEM) applications. The latest release includes a Python user interface to the Rust core of the code.

float8 0.1.1

float8 provides Rust data types for storing 8-bit floating point numbers.


tucanos is a 2D and 3D anisotropic mesh adaptation library. Python wrappers can be found at