Scientific Computing in Rust Monthly #2

Welcome to this month's issue of Scientific Computing in Rust Monthly.

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Items can be added to the next issue of the newsletter by opening a pull request to the Scientific Computing in Rust Monthly repository on GitHub. You can find more information about adding items here.

Crate of the month: rsmpi ~ ~ source

You really can't get too far in scientific computing without doing something in parallel, and you really can't get too far into parallelising your code without MPI (the Message Passing Interface). The rsmpi crate provides interfaces to MPI from Rust.

New releases

ndgrid v0.1.0 and ndelement v0.1.0

ndelement is a finite element definition library that can create finite elements on a reference cell, and compute their values and derivatives. ndgrid is a library for handling finite element grids/meshes. In its first release, ndgrid supports grids of interval, triangle, and quadrilataral cells stored in serial or in parallel, with parallel mesh partitioning carried out using coupe.

ndarray v0.16.0

Ndarray implements an n-dimensional container for general elements and for numerics. Ndarray had its long outstanding v0.16.0 release recently which brought some larger changes and many bugfixes. Ndarray has since also followed up with some minor fixes in v0.16.1. See the full release notes: v0.16.0, v0.16.1 for more details.


ndarray maintainership roundtable and design discussions

Discussions are currently taking place around how to reinforce the maitainership of ndarray, as well as ndarray-linalg and ndarray-stats. There are also some ongoing discussions to re-think some of the design decisions, with a desire to build a common base for ndspans or ndarrays in Rust more broadly, not limited to the ndarray crate itself.

If you would like to join in, head over to the github issue and/or join the Zulip chat mentioned in the issue!